Open your Google Calendar and select the total duration you will be available for appointments. Now you should be able to use appointment slots. If for some reason you are not seeing appointment slots as an option in your Calendar, make sure you switch to the Day or Week view. Here’s how you set it up and can use it yourself: Please note you need a Google Workspace account to have access to Appointment slots. What an amazing timesaver! Follow along with the step by step overview or watch the tutorial at the bottom of this page.
The best part as they sign up they get an automated response confrming the sign up and a Google Meet link for the set time is autoamatically generated. Using appointment slots in calendar we were able to create a different calendar for each teacher, allocate sloots of a set duration and let pparent sign up by themselves. We could just use Appointment slots in Google calendar. Recently we had to get our Parent consultations organized and guess what? In the current climate that meant moving them all online! So naturally this would mean a lot of planning, admin and allocating the Meet links to Parents.